Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

How to Lose Eight Pounds in One Week Eating Cereal

Cereal dieting is a simple and effective strategy to lose weights. With this diet plan, you can lose eight pounds in one week. If you enjoy eating your cereal in the evening time too, you will block carbs calories and melt fat while you sleep.

The good news is that you can lose a jeans size in just 4 weeks. You can lose even more that a jeans size a month; with a hearty cereal at breakfast, a healthy lunch and a healthy dinner.

The Benefits of Cereal Diet

Most of the cereals are an excellent source of antioxidants. These are interfering with carbs digestion. The best choice seams to be corn cereal with dried fruits, fiber may enhance calories boosting.

With a bowl of cereal moderation can be keep under control, compare with chips for example. Cereals are also a comfort food being rich in fiber you are going to feel satisfied.
A recent study shows that, persons who get a dose of carbs before bedtime lose 35% more weights than someone who opt for protein instead.

Eating cereal with milk, (preferable 2%) brings calcium and nutrients to your body that increases your levels of fat burning.

If you are going to eat whole grain cereals, at least once a day will reduce your risk of developing heart disease by 20%.

Cereal eaters are more protect against diabetes.

Whole grain cereal breakfast is linked to a better concentration and memory too.

The Way Cereal Diet is Working

You can eat one bowl (200- calories) cereal with ½ cup of fat free or 2% milk, for your breakfast. The best option might be raisin brain or kasha.

Your lunch and dinner will include 350- 450 calories, and you can eat lean protein with one or two servings of fruits and vegetables.

For bedtime, you can savour 150- 200 calories of a bowl with ½-cup milk.

Drink water as much as you want

NOTE: Before you start this diet plan, check with your doctor.

One-Day Menu


You will eat 1 bowl of cereal (200 calories) and ½ cup of fat free or 2% milk.


 You can opt for any of these:

a)    3 oz lean meat with one-cup steam vegetable

b)    3 oz tuna with seven whole grain crackers, ½-cup fruits

c)     3 oz grill chicken breast with green salad, a small piece fruit


 Choose one daily:

a)    3 oz lean meat with one-cup steam vegetable

b)    4 oz salmon grill with ½-cup brown steam rice, ½-cup fruits

Bedtime snack:

A daily one-bowl cereal (200 calories) and ½-cup milk fat free or 2%.

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