Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

Preventing and Fighting Childhood Obesity at Home

Childhood Obesity

Nowadays, obesity has become one of the major problems of Western countries and childhood obesity makes things worse.

There are millions of obese children only in the United States and the trend is growing. In fact, we are dealing with a national problem and the risk is very serious. A whole generation is affected.

Of course, our government makes every effort to reduce and even stop this negative process but many experts state that prevention and fight against childhood obesity should begin at home because obesity will affect your child both physically and mentally. Obesity presents an increased risk for joints and bones and is an important cause of sleep apnea not to mention the low self-esteem of any obese teenager.

Teachers and parents have a critical role in the proper education of children. We must realize that our children are bombarded daily by hundreds and hundreds adds for junk foods. Therefore, it is critical to advice correctly your child and to provide him information needs to make the appropriate choices for his own life and health.


In fact, you need to be role model for your child. The power of example is the best way to make your child adopt a healthy life. Therefore, you need to find the best ways to make exercise and an active life fun and even playful not a duty or a chore.

You need also, to create healthy eating habits for you and your family. That includes healthy foods and moderation. However, you do not have to ban certain foods. You only need to intersperse favorites in your basic menus.

Cooking together is the best time to educate your children about the importance, value and joy of preparing your own healthy meals. You can make your child to enjoy the cooking process and your kid will grow up with a positive attitude toward a healthy life.

In fact, inviting kids to participate in cooking might even help you. Letting your children to choose the vegetables and ingredients or reading the recipe can make you understand better what they want to eat or what they want to try.


I think this has to be your first step to a healthy life for you and your family.

Start avoiding foods that can include “saturated fat” or “hydrogenated oils”. Do not choose items that are high in sodium, sugar and fat. You need to reduce these three ingredients from your family diet. In fact, the more preserved is an item, the more likely it is rich in these three ingredients. Avoid also, high fructose items such corn syrup.

Healthy Eating Habits


It is highly recommended fresh foods (meats, dairy and produce). In fact you should look only for naturally and colorful foods. That means more minerals, vitamins and nutrients are present in these foods.

In fact, a healthy life starts with healthy eating and healthy eating starts at your local farmer markets or at your local grocers.


It is important to remember that any kid learn the best when playing. He will not forget what he learned through play.

You can find easily a funny way to teach him, while encouraging moderation and a good discipline. Have patience and play together using flash cards, food pyramid games or simple mathematic games. If you keep your child involved all the time, you will be amazed at the results.

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