Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

Weight Loss Diets – Dr. Mike’s Recipe

Dr. Mike

Dr. Michael Moreno

There are lots of weight loss diets, but 17 days diet recommended by American family doctor Mike Moreno caused quite a stir on the internet since last year.

Dr. Mike Moreno known also as “Dr. Mike” is a graduate of Irvine and Hahnemann Medical School of the University of California. Today he is a well known family doctor in San Diego and member of the American Academy of Family Doctors. He is also the author of the program “Walk with Your Doc”, in which he tries to motivate his patients to exercise, giving them a personal example.

But back to the topic of our article, “Dr. Mike’s Recipe”, which is already a famous weight loss diet. Most American women said they were happy after they chose it from many other weight loss diets.

Figure 17 has an essential and critical role in this diet created by Dr.Mike. Thus, every 17 days, he strongly recommends changing the diet, varying the consumption of fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates and proteins, because in his opinion, metabolism slows at the same daily diet. Moreover, Dr.Mike suggests 17 minutes of physical activity daily. The objective of this system is to lose extra pounds quickly, keeping yourself in this way, and adopting in the same time, a healthy lifestyle.

The 17 Days Diet

Diet consists of 4 cycles of 17 days each.

Days 1-17 The first interval sits under the term “Accelerate”: a diet to ensure only around 1200 calories; that meaning the consumption of foods low in carbohydrates. So, you can eat any amount of lean meat, vegetables without starch, two nonfat yogurts, two low-sugar fruits, a little oil, and you can drink green tea and 2 liters of water per day.

Days 18-34 – The second cycle is “Activate”:  the purpose is to increase the calorie intake to 1500 calories to prevent slowing your metabolism. The menu is the same as in the first cycle, but it is recommended, less fat and two servings of healthy carbs.

Days 35-51 – The third cycle is “Achieve your goal”: In fact, the essence of this diet is found in the third cycle, to reach your goal namely, acquiring healthy eating habits. It is encouraged the consumption of fruits and whole grains, which may be accompanied by a little bit of alcohol. Of course, the weight loss decreases in intensity, but this cycle helps you create a healthy lifestyle.

Day 52 – The fourth and last cycle is “Arrive at Your Destination”: the last stage is the establishment of a meal plan to help you to develop your healthy lifestyle forever. It is allowed any food during the weekend, but not to excess.

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