Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

Healthy Foods that Cut Your Sweet Cravings


You know they are not healthy for you, but you eat them daily. You cannot do anything; you’re completely devoid of will in front of them.

Sweets are among the fiercest enemies in weight loss, so better avoid them and replace them with healthy foods that can give you the same good feeling when you eat them.

Let’s mention some of these healthy foods.


Stevia is a plant known as one of the best natural and healthy sugar substitutes. It is in fact a natural sweetener. You can use it to sweeten your desserts and drinks. It takes a small amount of stevia to create the same sweet taste as sugar. More than that stevia is a safer option than artificial sweeteners. Thus, you can avoid high a consumption of calories and you will have a healthy body.


Carrots are also a healthy alternative to regular sweets. Besides the fact that it has a slightly sweet taste, carrots benefits of a high soluble fiber content. Carrots are indeed a healthy addition to your daily diet being a rich source of nutrients.

It is best to eat it raw, and if you boil it, make sure you do not leave it too long in the water because it loses its nutritional quality.

Sweet Potato

Because of their complex carbohydrate content, sweet potatoes regulate your blood sugar level and give you, in this way, the sweet cravings that you need without increasing your cholesterol. They provide excellent nutrition. Sweet potatoes are rich source of vitamins, anti-oxidants and dietary-fiber.


It’s fall, and pears of all kinds are found in abundance. You should eat pears when you are craving for something sweet and you will quickly find their benefits, even when you’re dieting. They are a rich source of vitamins (B2, C and E), fiber, potassium, copper and pectin, which is a soluble fiber.


Cauliflower lowers blood cholesterol levels and has a sweet taste. It is a vegetable that help the body detox and gives a lasting feeling of fullness. It is a nutrient-rich, filling vegetable that will satisfy your craving for something sweet. So eat it up.


Like carrots, beans are an excellent food that cut your sweet cravings. The best variety is the white bean. It has a low glycemic index and provides more protein. Beans also guard you against various diseases because it contains antioxidants. In fact, we can say without any doubt that beans are the most nutritious and complete food.

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