Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

How Plant Sterols Can Help You Lower Your Cholesterol

If you are like me with high cholesterol, and you believe in the naturally way of healing, there is good news: plant sterols can lower your bad cholesterol level (LDL).

Plant sterols are compounds you can found in plants, fruits vegetables nuts and grains. What is unique about these plant sterols is their composition, which is very similar to the cholesterol structure; that why, these natural compounds compete with cholesterol for being absorbed into your blood system.

If you will introduce plant sterols in your diet, you will have more chances to lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Statistics show that one in four persons in North America has high cholesterol.

People with high cholesterol can have a bigger risk for stroke or heart disease, compare to people with a normal cholesterol level.

Sterols are located in the cells membrane of the plant. The recommended daily dose of plant sterols is between 150-350mg.

Plant sterols have to be part of your low in saturated fat diet and it will include plenty of fiber weight loss when is necessary and physical exercise.

Manufacturers have recently put plant sterols in yogurt, mayonnaise, fruits and vegetables juices.

Recent research show that, there is now concerns regarding the plant sterols as long as the limit is not upper 400mg daily dose.

When is about children or pregnant women plant sterol are not recommended, taking in consideration their specific needs; lowering the bad cholesterol is not a necessity for them.

If you need to lower your cholesterol, you should reduce your intake of saturated fat at less than 150mg daily; lose weight if you are overweight; add 4-8 mg fiber to your every day diet; eat plant sterols daily.

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