Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

How to Keep Your Holiday Delicious Leftovers Longer

You plan your holiday menu all season long and then you cook for hours, but what happens when the party is over and you are stuck with loads of leftovers that might spoil before you can finish them?

If you will use these tricks, you will keep your foods fresh for a few days.
Vitamin C Can Preserve your Fruits and Vegetables
To stop you fruits and vegetables from turning brown what you should do is to squeeze a lemon juice over them.

Use Paper Towels to Stop Your Salad from Wilting

If after you serve your dinner, you have remained a bowlful salad, to keep it crisp, put it in a paper towel sheet before closing it. The towel will absorb the moisture that naturally builds up in refrigerator; keeping salad moisture free can double its shelf life.

Vacuum Seal Your Leftovers

If you have leftovers of ham and turkey after your dinner to keep them fresh vacuum seal them. By removing surrounding air, bacteria will be discouraged from growing.

Protect the Taste of Your Uncorked Wine

You can protect your wine with wine preserver spray. It will fit the empty space in your bottle with harmless inert gasses, so air will not spoil your wine taste.

Use Spices to Protect Your Dishes from Spoiling

If you will use spices during your cooking, you will secure your foods from spoiling. You can sprinkle curry powder over your mashed potatoes, or oregano on your stuffing.

To Keep Everything Fresher Longer Divide the Foods

When you will put away meats and side, you should use several small containers; you should have several separate containers for a single dish. Jamming a lot of food in one large container, do not allowed the food to cool down fast enough to keep bacteria from growing.

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