Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

How to Lose 18 LBS in 16 Days; Probiotic and Protein Plan

With this diet plan, you can lose a lot of weight, just before your holidays.

The 16 days diet is based on protein and probiotic plan, and you can get rapid and easy results.

The protein plan.  You can eat unlimited turkey breast and chicken, eggs and fish for 16 days.

This menu low in saturate fats and high in proteins, is a specific one proven to kill your hunger and able to stimulate your metabolism.

These proteins are going to help you reduce your fat storage hormones. Choosing proteins instead of starchy carbs will help you to burn more calories and store less fat.

This weight loss diet is different because it allows unlimited no starchy vegetables and two servings of low sugar fruit every day.

It is a healthier and a more satisfied way to eat, and in addition, you will lose weights.

The probiotic plan. A new research has revealed that food contained probiotic as yogurt or kefir can help your body burning its calories. The best dose is two-probiotic reach food every day.

The 16 days diet menu. Feel free to choose whatever you want or you can create your own menu.

– Unlimited lean protein this includes eggs, fish, turkey and chicken breast.
– Unlimited non-starchy vegetables like greens, broccoli, belli papers, tomatoes and carrots.
– You are allowed each day two  servings fruits including pears, apples, plums, berries, red grapes and citrus.
– Every day you can eat two probiotic-rich foods. You can choose between a low fat yogurt and a low fat kefir.
– Every day menu included 2 tablespoons good fat (olive oil or flax seed oil).
– Daily menu allowed natural seasonings like spices, herbs, lemon and vinegar.

Before you started this diet plan, or any other plans, you are advice to consult your doctor.

– 7 oz kefir in a blender with ½ cup berries or Two hard-boiled eggs
– Two scramble eggs with diced tomatoes and spinach or One fat free yogurt and one orange
– ½ cup of chopped celery, cucumber, and 3 oz tuna canned or 5 oz turkey breast, one apple, one-cup lettuce and one pear
– Have a quick tomato soup: 5 oz cooked and chopped chicken breast, one-cup broth, crushed tomatoes
– 3 oz turkey breast, two cups mixed vegetables or 7 oz baked salmon, 1/2 cup steam broccoli and ½ mixed green salad.
Probiotic snack
– Only if you are still hunger between meals, you can eat 5 oz fat free yogurt or you can drink 7 oz low fat kefir.
– After 16 days of dieting, to prevent plateaus, you can include small servings of fiber (1/2 cup beans, ½-cup oatmeal). Every other day you can enjoy lean beef or lean pork.

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