Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

Think Healthy, Eat Healthy, Live Healthy

Think Healthy, Eat Healthy and Live Healthy

Think Healthy, Eat Healthy and Live Healthy

Maybe it sound odd, but you are what you eat! Do you know that what you eat and how you prepare your food can affect how you look, how you feel, and how long you live?

Food is more than fuel for your body. With dramatically rising rates of overweight and obesity, “healthy living” needs to become a way of life for more people in Europe and North America.

Healthy eating and getting the most nutrition out of your meals is your secret to staying healthy and energized, natural weight loss, and combating lifestyles diseases.

Making healthy food choices, staying physically active and maintaining a healthy weight are essential to good health.

A healthy food is the building material for our body cells and chemical elements for our body processes.

The fact is, the food we eat greatly determines the length of time we live.

Good eating habits will pay off in the long run, not only in the amount of time we live, but also in the quality of life that we can enjoy.

Only one kind of food does not provide everything needed for your body, so it is important to eat a variety of foods every day, including:

Fruits & Vegetables;
Bread, Cereals and other Grain Products;
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese;
Meat, Eggs and Proteins such as Peas & Dried Beans


AVOID eating too much salt, sugar and fat.

In general, whole foods are a better option than highly processed foods. Our bodies do well with a high percentage of fiber in our diet, and the best way to get fiber is through whole foods. If you’re new to the idea of whole foods, think of it as eating foods whose ingredients you can readily identify. An apple, for example is a whole food. As are potatoes, fish, beans, vegetables and rice. Processed foods on the other hand, contain many different ingredients, some which may even be hidden. Examples would be enriched white bread, cookies, crackers, or any other food that is a combination of foods that have been processed to make the end result.


 1. Eat at fixed hours, no snacks between meals

2. Do not make another activity while eating (not watching TV, not reading, etc.) Eat slowly and chew food well.

3. It is better to eat 4 times per day a small amount of food than twice or just once, but more!

4. Dinner to be served at least 2 hours before bedtime

5. Drink enough water. Drink at least 2 liters of water or tea daily. Your body is mostly water and all of your cells require water in order to perform their functions.

6. No sugar, alcohol and bread (only one or two sliced whole wheat bread).

7. No animal fat and fried food. Exclude products of hydrogenated oils such as margarine.

8. Eat only organic food

9. No excess salt. Substitute salt with herbs and spices;  The best way to go about preparing healthy food is to think of your favorite dishes and then begin to substitute in healthy ingredients.

10. Exercise daily.  Our bodies were designed to move. Walk at least30 minutes daily. Ideal evening before bedtime go. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference.

Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to mean drastic changes and making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards: a long and healthy life.

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