Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

Tips for a Healthy Skin during the Winter

Red Haired Young Lady

Radiant Skin

Even though winter does not go to the beach and you need to wear warm clothing that covers the entire body, the skin must be well groomed.

Learn how you can care for your skin during the winter!

For most of people cold days effect on the skin can be frustrating because it appears dryness of face, feet and hands.

Felt by many like an unpleasant skin tight feeling, sometimes dryness can lead to skin rashes, cracks or even eczema. Dryness is usually accentuated whenever you are entering into a heated space.

These 10 tips can help you to treat your dry skin all winter.

Consult Your Dermatologist

It is a good idea to go to the pharmacy, where you can benefit from the advice of a consultant in skin care issues or cosmetic dermatology products and procedures. However, at least once a year is advisable to consult a dermatologist, who can provide expert advice on what type of skin you have, the different problems that your skin has or the range of care products that you should use.

Skin health specialists say you do not necessarily have to use expensive products because even the cheap ones can be at least as good. They often argue that part of the price of a skin care product is only the marketing and packaging price. The most important thing is to feel better using a product.

Skin Hydration

You might have a moisturizer lotion or cream that is perfect during the hot season. But, seasons are changing and so does your skin needs.

Winter is advisable to use a special moisturizer with an oily consistency, in fact,  an oil based moisturizer, which is much better than water-based one, since oil will create a protective film to retain moisture on the skin. This won’t  happen if we are using creams or lotions with a fine and soft texture. However, you have to be careful about oil-containing moisturizer type, because not all can be indeed beneficial for your skin.

Very useful are almond oils, the mineral ones, primrose oil or avocado oil. You must stress this, because other oils may have an unintended effect of blocking the facial pores.

There also indicated products containing humectants, a substance class that attract moisture from the surrounding environment and set a water film on your  skin. Among these substances we can enumerate glycerin, sorbitol and alpha-hydroxy acids.

Use Sunscreen Creams

Sunscreen creams should not to be applied on your skin only during the  summer; in the winter, sunshine mixed with reflected by snow rays can equally affect your skin. So, it is highly recommended to use a sunscreen on the face and hands with at least 30 minutes prior going out of the house. If you spend much time outdoors, you should renew the  application  of sunscreen at least every two hours.

Protect Your Hands

Hand skin is a little bit thinner as the many other body areas and has not too many sebaceous glands. Of course, this means that moisture is deficient, and this is accentuated especially in contact with cold, dry air. Thus, small skin cracks can occur leading to itching and irritation.

When you go outdoors, you should protect your hands wearing gloves. However, if they are made of wool is fine to wear inside them another thin gloves made of cotton to prevent the occurrence of irritations that are caused by the direct contact with wool. However, avoid socks or gloves to get wet! Wet gloves and socks can cause a nasty skin irritation, pain, skin cracks, or the occurrence of eczema, which can be quite difficult to treat.

Avoid the Dry Air from the Rooms

Generally, in many rooms, the heated air is very dried, so it is highly recommended to use a vaporizer or humidifier to increase air moisture, so your skin will not suffer.

In fact, it is also advisable to have a vaporizer or a humidifier in every room. In this way, moisture will be will be distributed evenly all over your house.

Hydration Should Not Be Limited only to Your Skin

Even if you pay attention to skin hydration, you should not lose sight of the fact that it is advisable to drink a lot of fluids. While some argue that good hydration comes from within, correlation is not necessarily true: one can have a dry skin no matter how much water they consume.

But even so, it is good for the body to consume water in sufficient quantities if not for skin hydration, at least for the beneficial effect that water consumption has on our health.

Pay Attention to Your Feet

You should use creams that contain petroleum jelly or glycerin; regularly, it is advisable to use exfoliating agents to remove layers of dead skin surface to facilitate action moisturizing creams to be applied later.

Avoid Alcohol-Based Tonic Lotions

On a dry skin is not advisable to apply alcohol-based toners as they can deprive the skin of fine layers of fat that covers that in turn ensure the maintaining skin’s natural moisture level. But we can use toners without alcohol and moisturizing masks.

Do Not Take Very Hot Baths

Obviously, a hot bath after we come out of winter seems ideal remedy to put us up. In fact, the hot water can cause the destruction of the protective layer of fat from the skin, so soon will appear skin dehydration. Therefore it is recommended that during the winter to be hot water showers, but not too hot, and do not spend much time in the water. If you have a itchy skin, you should use more frequent hydration. However, if this does not work, consult a dermatologist because it is sometimes necessary to use a cream-drug to combat dry skin. The dermatologist can determine if it is a seasonal dry skin and is due to weather or if it is a disease that requires a specialized treatment.

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