Diet and I – Living a Healthy Life

A Detox Diet – Rice Diet

Young Lady Eating with Chopsticks

Eating a Bowl of Rice

Rice is not only a food rich in nutrients but is also low in calories menu that can be turned into a tasty meal to eat for a rice diet and beyond.

While cooking, each grain of rice almost triple its volume so you need a relatively small amount of rice to get a feeling of fullness. Although rice is composed mostly of carbohydrates, it contains very little fat. Thus, the appetite is satisfied, but you not gain weight.

Rice Diet Has Two Phases

If you start this rice diet, you do not need to worry that your body will retain water. Rice is low in sodium and high calcium. Rice diet is used since 1903 to treat problems related to obesity, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

Rice Diet – First Phase: In the first phase of the diet when in fact, detoxification occurs you need to consume only rice and fruits. However, the best choice is the brown rice. This phase can last from 3 to 7 days, depending on how well you feel with this diet and can be repeated after completing the diet but not earlier than one week to maintain the good results.

Eat throughout the day 4-5 cups cooked rice, over which you can put pepper to flavor. The best fruits to eat while keeping this rice are green apples that are low in calories and carbohydrates. During this period it is important to avoid to drink coffee or tea but you are free to drink plenty of plain water, at least eight cups daily.

Rice Diet – Second Phase: In the second phase of this Detox diet you can eat vegetables besides rice and fruits. In addition, at one of the meals consumed in that week you can eat fish. However, the most recommended are vegetable soups, salads and dairy. DO NOT fry your vegetables. The best is to stem or grill them. Salt intake should be avoided during this period.

Your daily diet typically includes between 4 and 7 grams of sodium, your body takes normally less than half a gram. Salt is problematic for people who have hypertension or kidney problems. More than that, salt increases your appetite. When you choose to follow this rice diet, use more spices and herbs to flavor your food and reduce drastically your daily salt intake.

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