We all know that we should exercise more, sleep enough and eat the right food. The problem is we do not have always time to do the right thing for us.
There are many ways, which can help you stay away from diseases, without spending time or money.
If you enjoy drinking your coffee, there is another reason for you to do it
Use beeswax candles
Switch the way you sleep
New study shows that 90% of aluminum cans contains BPA, connected to cancer disease. The easier way to avoid this is to opt for sops in cartons.
When you are singing in the shower your level of stress is lower. Blood flow well and your immunity system increase its activities. The result is more oxygen to your brain cells. It is also regulate your heart rate and relax blood vessels reducing the risk for heart disease or stroke.
A hot shower produce negatives ions that will neutralize your toxins.
A too well done roast can cause cancer because its chemicals. If you are going to soak, your meat for one hour in a marinade made with rosemary and thyme before you cook it can cut this risk by 80%. Rosemary contains antioxidants that will neutralize the chemicals.
Use lemon zest
Adding lemon zest to your cooking is not only nice but it also acts as a sunscreen. The compound in lemon, limonene, reduce your risk of skin cancer by 30%. It will even half the grow of existing cancer cells. Use lemon zest for your pudding, cheesecake or favorite cookies.