Diet and eating habits must be carefully evaluated in terms of sleep problems. Offending food must be completely removed from the diet, regardless of time of day they are consumed. Even very small residues of chemicals and bio-chemistry will have significant effects on sleep for several hours or even days later.
Both over-and under-feeding should be discouraged. Eat a small snack shortly before bedtime helps to release endorphins and neurotransmitters coordinated, creating a feeling of well being and facilitating primary sleep.
However, it is not unusual for just about anyone to have difficulty sleeping once in a while, particularly in times of stress, or during travel, or if the environment is too hot, cold, noisy, or bright.
These types of short-term insomnia are annoying, and can certainly affect the way you function the next day, but they are often easily remedied.
Substantial medical evidence suggests they may be links between sleep and weight.
1. Some foods naturally rich in the amino acid tryptophan (turkey, butter, nuts, figs, rice, tuna and bananas) are more likely to induce sleep when eaten shortly before bedtime.
2. Foods rich in magnesium and B complex can increase sleep duration.
3. Other amino acid tyramine rich foods (spinach, potatoes, tomatoes and soft cheeses) delays the evolution of sleep.
Sleep shortly after the noon meal (a traditional practice), not only help improve brain function, energy, mood and productivity. It also helps regulate sleep-wake cycle, leading to improved sleep patterns at night. This nap should be short .
“The less you sleep the more you threatened to become over weight”
Before bed time avoid: caffeinated drinks and foods — coffee, tea, many soft drinks, and chocolate several hours before bed. Caffeine is a natural chemical that activates the central nervous system, which means that it revs up nerves and thought processes. For people who are sensitive to caffeine, that excitation is not pleasant, making them feel jittery and slightly ill. If you drink caffeinated drinks too close to bedtime, chances are it will keep you awake.
You should avoid large meals close bed time and avoid alcohol. Generally, stop drinking liquids 90 minutes prior bed.