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What Diseases Can Hide Bad Dreams?


Dreams can provide important clues regarding the health of the people. In fact, violent dreams may be an early sign of developing brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, according to a study made by British researchers.

Dream analysis has always been to scientists a fascinating subject. They concluded that dreams can convey valuable clues regarding human health and can even transmit signs of disease before the occurrence of specific symptoms.


Most people have usually between four and six dreams per night, but they remember only two or three per week. However, people remember their dreams if they wake up when they take place. If they continue to sleep when dreams ends, they will forget them. It seems that women remember dreams more often than men, a possible explanation being that they sleep more easily.

Dreams do not occur throughout the whole night. The brain begins to create REM in sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements under the closed eyelids. This is a mild form of sleep, so people can easily wake during a dream. This type of sleep occurs about four times during the night, the first stage starting after about 90 minutes.

Therefore, if a person dreams of more than normally, he has nightmares or strange dreams, which can be symptoms that his health is in danger.

Beta blockers drugs that treat hypertension can cause “ugly” dreams. Experts believe that these drugs can indirectly alter the balance of certain chemicals in the brain thus producing nightmares.

Nightmares can be connected but with heart problems, according to a survey of more than 6,000 people. The research found that the risk of having nightmares is three times higher among people who have an irregular heartbeat while the risk increased up to seven times among people who accuse chest pain. This is because people who have heart problems are more prone to respiratory problems, leading to decreased oxygen levels in their brain.


Also, nightmares can be a warning for the development of migraine. Headaches may occur during the night and, according to a study in 37 patients, followed up by nightmares involving anger and aggression. One theory for this is that headache causes changes in the brain.

High or too low temperature at night can lead to more dreams. The sleep is disturbed – because it is too hot or too cold – the more likely a person is awake during sleep, which means you will remember your dreams. In this regard, the experts recommended that the room temperature to be kept at 18 degrees.

Also, hormonal fluctuations in women may cause the dreams. Some women say that they dream more during menstruation. This may be because women feel uncomfortable, are bloated and cramping during menstruation, which is why they wake up more often.

However, insomnia and pain can cause people to wake up repeatedly during the night, which means that they will remember their dreams. Doctors say that if a person sleeps too little a few nights in a row, it can have weird dreams in the first night of rest.

If a person is attacked or pursued that dream, it can be a sign of nerves or brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. People who constantly struggle or scream during sleep may suffer from a condition called REM behavior disorder. This disorder may be caused by a disorder of part of the brain that controls the “safety switch” in the brain, which normally prevents people to act on their dreams.

This condition causes violent dreams – such as those which occur or criminal attacks – and therefore the person who dreams may harm himself or his partner. These violent dreams can be a sign for the presence of Alzheimer’s disease and usually occur ten years before other symptoms such as memory loss.

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Rich dinner – bad dreams

A dinner rich in fat before bedtime tends to remain in the stomach for a long time, so that puts pressure on the valve between the stomach and esophagus, causing heartburn. Usually this occurs in the first hours after a person is able to fall asleep and he will wake up during the night, even during the stage of dreaming.

People suffering from depression or severe stress enter the dreaming stage more quickly, which is why dreams occur earlier in the night.

If a person consumes alcohol before bed can dream more during the night. This happens because alcohol remains in the body until morning, so that the brain may be affected by certain chemicals in a way that causes strange dreams .

Dreams of a sexual nature are common in people of all ages, but increase as they age and are common in people over 60 years. People find new hobbies in retirement, which may explain the high number of dreams with sexual connotations.

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