Another version of weight loss diet is “DR. BERNSTEIN DIET”, initiated by “DR. STANLEY BERNSTEIN” a physician originally from Ontario Canada.
He developed a low calorie diet plan, and now he has numerous weight loss clinics in Canada and United States.
This low calorie diet aims to lose five or six pounds per week , involves 3 visits per week during all programs which can be a few months, or 1 year – “It is a case by case situation”.
The daily calorie intake are somewhere between 900- 1200 calories for each day, with minerals supplements and vitamins B injections.
The cost of this program is around 500$ and it is taxes deductible.
The Dr.Bernstein diet plan has a few phases on the diet:
a) A rapidly weight loss phase;
b) A maintenance phase and
c) The tune-up plan for small amounts of weight loss.
The program is starting with a consultation (1 to 2 hours), then the review of your medical history and health assessment.
The consultation will be complete with program orientation and discuss of your future diet.
Foods Allowed
Here there are a few samples from the foods allowed by this diet.
Vegetables & Fruit: Vegetables: tomatoes, celery, lettuce mushrooms; Fruit: oranges, lemons, apple
Protein: For protein this diet allowed: chicken breast, shrimp, white fish, veal, small pieces of steak.
Bread: Melba toast
Sauces: Soya sauce, tomato sauce
Beverages: Club soda, herbal tea
Pros & Cons of Bernstein Diet
The advantages of this diet are in fact that, low calorie intake will lead to rapid weight loss which is very popular.
The disadvantages are, first this program is very expensive, second losing weight so rapid can be potentially dangerous.
Another thing their standard of losing weight is not the same with generally standard, you can’t have the same weight at 50 as you were in your twenty.
So, in conclusion do your research and consult your family doctor before you start this diet or any other diet program.