Soon, you will begin to spend increasingly more time outdoors, especially in parks. Sunshine and nature which comes to life will make you want to walk on the alleys, but also it is good to know that you risk tripping spring allergies.
What are spring allergies and how they manifest?
Seasonal allergy occurs especially in spring, from March until June, and is mainly caused by pollen of trees and shrubs. The most common symptoms of spring allergies include:
– Sneezing often and for no apparent reason
– Rhinorrhea (runny nose)
– Irritated and watery eyes
– Nasal congestion
Some people have a hereditary predisposition to spring allergy and may face even asthma due to this condition.
How to stay away from spring allergies: Fortunately, there are several ways by which you can avoid the allergies that occur in spring. Here are just a few of them:
Follow a diet with vitamin C: Vitamin C reduces the production of histamine in the body, so the chances of suffering because of spring allergies decrease significantly. Of course, you can get vitamin C from food, but for an optimal amount you should follow a diet based on vitamin C supplements.
Eat foods rich in quercetin: Quercetin is an antioxidant substance with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. It is found naturally in onions, garlic, peppers, apples, raspberries, fennel, asparagus and Brussels sprouts and is perfect for spring allergy prevention. So in this time of year, try to eat foods often mentioned, or to look in pharmacies for based quercetin supplements.
Drink herbal teas: Some medicinal plants are known for their anti-allergic action. It is recommended birch, dandelion, burdock and milfoil tea. You should consume 2-3 cups of tea per day for 2-3 weeks in order to keep away from spring allergies.
Try acupuncture: Acupuncture is a very useful alternative therapy for preventing and treating spring allergies, if it is present in addition to a conventional treatment against these nasty season diseases.
Take a teaspoon of honey every day: Honey may also be a suitable solution for protection against spring allergies. You should consume daily one teaspoon of honey, preferably in the morning before leaving the house. Rich in vitamins, minerals and substances having antihistaminic effect, honey will prove effective in 2-3 weeks.
Avoid ventilating your room in the morning: Maximum activity of pollen is in the morning, so it is good to avoid airing your room in the early hours of the day. In this way, you stop allergens from entering the house and prevent the classic symptoms of allergy. A good solution would be just to avoid morning walks through the park.
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