Typically, milk and dairy products are considered very important food I would say essential foods for your diet each of us, especially for teenagers and seniors. But they should play a central role, a more important in our diet, even if we are not teenagers anymore or have not yet reached the retirement age.
Peak bone accumulation occurs around age 35, after which mineral density decreases. In addition, bone tissue is always changing, is continuously a process of renewal therefore; you need a daily intake of at least 1 g calcium regardless of age.
Besides bones, many other organs and systems of the human body benefits from the consumption of milk and dairy products such as the immune system, digestive system, cardiovascular system and your blood pressure.
Milk accelerates the loss of excess pounds, “calm down” your nervous system and relieves stress, protects teeth against cavities and prevents calcium deficiency (hypocalcaemia) in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Here are two lesser-known benefits of dairy:
Milk and Immunity – Lactose (milk sugar) has a favorable effect on the intestinal flora PROBIOTIC and therefore lactose intake below 3g/day can endanger your entire body. Intestinal mucosa is an integral part of the immune system and the gut bacterial flora balance is ensured by use of probiotic dairy products.
Last “discovery” miracle milk is “lactoferrin”, a protein that contains iron and has:
- major beneficial effects on health:
antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral - anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic
potentiates the action of certain antibiotics
stimulates immunity
Milk and Cholesterol – Most cholesterol in the body is produced by the liver and only 25% is brought by diet. A good diet for your blood cholesterol should reduce the intake of saturated fats (fatty meat, sausages, cheese). Additionally, we need to reduce LDL-cholesterol fraction (bad cholesterol) and increased HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol), which have a cardiovascular protective effect.
Milk and its derivatives have a fat content of 3.5 to 4.5% that makes only a very small percentage, 1.5-3.5% fat intake in your daily diet. Milk intake of cholesterol is minor (10-20mg/100ml) compared to other food sources (fatty meat, sausages, cheese, eggs). Therefore, consumption of skimmed milk (2-3 cups / day) is recommended for adults with high cholesterol.