Gastritis Diet

Gastritis an inflammation of Your Stomach

Gastritis Diet

What is Gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining or mucosa. The inflammation may be caused by different factors such as: alcohol; smoking; drugs; poisoned food; viral infection; stress. There are acute gastritis and chronic gastritis.

1. Acute Gastritis: occurs suddenly, causes vomiting, and is manifested by hairy tongue, thirst, mild fever, burning sensations in stomach and upper abdominal pains.

Treatment: Treatment of acute gastritis depends on the cause. When symptoms occur, your doctor may recommend a liquid diet for a short period of time, it will be quickly replaced by a normal diet with three balanced meals a day. Liquid diet should be prescribed only by physicians and cannot be followed long without serious consequences for your overall nutrition. After the disappearance of symptoms, normal diet may be resumed (The basic idea is to split food in 5-6 meals a day); Alcohol and tobacco are banned and anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin should be avoided. In general, acute gastritis is cured with proper treatment.


2. Chronic Gastritis or Heartburn is manifested by slight nausea, mild indigestion, a bad taste in the mouth, stomach pain and may evolve over time without showing other signs than loss of appetite. Digestive hemorrhage caused by chronic gastritis (erosive gastritis) can lead to iron deficiency anemia and ulcerations. In this case, the person is weak, has pale skin and may have difficulty breathing. Otherwise, symptoms are often the same as for acute gastritis.

Treatment: Chronic gastritis is treated with drugs aimed at reducing or neutralizing acid secretion, or antibiotics when the chronic gastritis is caused by an infection with Helicobacter Pylori. Of course, as in the case of acute gastritis, smoking and drinking are forbidden. And once again, patients suffering from gastritis are advised to avoid heavy lunches, by fragmenting food in 5-6 meals/day).


Recommended Foods:

The first thing you should learn is to control your food intakes. Overeating can be controlled by following a certain meal time and the amount of food intake at each meal. In general, it is better to eat smaller amount of food regularly instead of eating heavy meals twice or thrice a day. With this, your stomach will have enough time to digest your food, giving it more space before introducing to new foods. This will prevent your stomach from disturbance.

• Meat: -poultry and turkey (without skin), lean and fat clean; boiled or grilled; -fresh fish or canned.
• Eggs: -only boiled.
• Dairy Products: -milk; cream; yogurt (without fruits); cheese (sheep or cow).
• Bread: – wheat or rye; perhaps one day old.
• Cereals: – semolina; barley; rice; oatmeal; pasta; biscuits.
• Vegetables: -preferably boiled: asparagus; carrots; mushrooms; spinach; beans; peas; potatoes.
• Fruits: -cooked or canned and baked bananas.
• Fats: -fresh butter; oil (50/60gr/day).


Forbidden Foods:

o Fat soups; fried foods; fatty meats; salty or smoked foods.
o Fatty fish – smoked or marinated.
o Sausages; fried eggs; fermented cheeses; salty or smoked cheeses.
o Foods high in fiber: multi-grain bread; bran products.
o Raw vegetables: broccoli; cabbage; Brussels sprouts; cucumber; corn; onion; leeks; turnips; radishes; kale; cauliflower; dried beans; dried peas; lentils; eggplant; tomatoes.
o Nuts; grapes; dried fruits: figs; raisins; dates.
o Spices: pepper; paprika; mustard; horseradish; vinegar; pickles.
o Fats: lard; bacon; mayonnaise.

Sweet, spicy, sour or bitter foods can trigger flare-ups of gastritis strongly through a simple mechanism: the intense taste stimulation produces a strong secretion of gastric juices. To relieve stomach pain that can occur is best to use medicinal teas such as peppermint; chamomile; fennel and celandine.