Third hand smoke
The term of third hand smoke is not so popular like second hand smoke. Not everyone knows about the health risk of third hand smoke. So, allowed me to explain what is third hand smoke.
The term of third hand smoke means the residual tobacco smoke contamination that remains after the cigarette is extinguished.
Third hand smoke is when you inhale the smell of a smoker cigarette left inside the elevator.
Second hand smoke
There is a consensus in the medical field that second hand smoke is harmful.
Ventilation has proven to be ineffective in removing second hand smoke from buildings.
Recently a study on tobacco exposure on children living in apartments concluded that these children were exposed to 45 percent smoke tobacco.
Although a particular unit may be smoke free, residents are still exposed.
The health risk concern
The belief that second-hand smoke harms children’s health was not independently associated with strict smoking bans in homes and cars, the researchers found. On the other hand, the belief that third-hand smoke was harmful greatly increased the likelihood the respondent also would enforce a strict smoking ban at home
The biggest concern about third hand smoke is the potential it has to harm infants and small children.
Infants ingest over twice as much dust on a daily basis than adults do.
If you factor in their higher respiration rates and lower body weights than adults the risk potential increases dramatically.
The researchers also noted that skin cells reacted to the nicotine. Some cells died, some cells have been deformed.
With smoke free laws our life becomes better.