Sweeteners are not life-threatening, do not cause cancer, but they can make you gain weight!
Recently, the topic of artificial sweeteners has been extensively covered in the press, so it is not surprising that the famous Dr. Oz has devoted an entire show on the myths created around artificial sweeteners.
After long years of study, it was proven that there was no link between the consumption of artificial sweeteners and the possibility of developing different types of cancer or have neurological problems.
Yet paradoxically, it was shown that artificial sweeteners, just like sugar, can make you gain weight. Why?
And it turned out that indeed artificial sweeteners that contain fewer calories can make you gain weight even more than sugar! How is it possible?
The first explanation that imposes itself is that sweetness commands your body to prepare for a large amount of calories. Because this does not happen, the body gets confused and asks for more food, the result being of course, the weight gain.
Honey as Sugar, Can Make You Gain Weight
One gram of honey has 4 kilocalories. The same caloric value also has one gram of white sugar, so that both foods are dangerous to your weight, if eaten in large quantities.
The difference between the two is that the sugar in honey (a mixture of fructose and glucose) is slowly assimilated without a rapid increasing and then a suddenly dropping of blood sugar levels that can overwhelm your pancreas, as occurs usually with the consumption of white sugar.
What then is the alternative to sugar, which at the same time, to determine a good flavor without gaining weight?
According to Dr. Oz’s opinion, the answer would be a sweetener with a composition based on natural ingredients, without any artificial sweeteners inconvenience.
Thus was brought up survey conducted by Canadian researchers, who tested an innovative product, namely a supplement that works on the same principle as a traditional sweetener (thus, once added to hot drinks, offers a good taste), but in same time not only do not make you gain weight, but the ingredients have powerful fat burning properties.
Several compositions have been studied and later, the one that during clinical testing has provided the best results was patented by a renowned lab and released in the U.S. and Canadian markets.
It is the product that everyone uses now in the U.S. and Canada to lose weight.
P.S. I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you the name of this miraculous product. It’s about “Stevia“
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