Dr.Oz Recommends “Shred” Diet by Dr. Ian Smith

Fitness Specialist

Dr. Ian Smith

Dr. Oz recommends a new revolutionary diet that lasts only 6 weeks and avoids the problems of many other weight loss diets. Created by Dr. Ian Smith, diet “Shred” promises a thinner waist with at least 10 inches in just 6 weeks.

Dietetics specialist Dr. Ian Smith detailed his revolutionary diet in the book “Shred: The Revolutionary Diet”, which is based on an innovative approach on metabolism and weight loss. In only 6 weeks, this diet promises a weight reduction, equivalent to 10 cm in waist followed by transition to a healthy diet that guarantees the weight maintenance.

How does “Shred”  Diet Works?

The concept underlying this revolutionary diet is inspired by the way the muscle is strengthened. Anyone has tried the same exercise for a long time at the gym knows well that muscles respond well at first, then get used to the effort and the progress slows down.

The diet recommended by Dr. Oz targets the same concept, applied this time, to metabolism. While most diets aim the reduction of the number of calories through a diet with many restrictions, “Shred” the revolutionary diet combine several approaches. In this way, your metabolism does not have time to get used to a certain diet and accelerates to cope with changes.

The results are astounding and consist in a significantly reduction of fat deposits, especially around the abdomen and waist, where many other diets encounter problems.

In the first week of the diet, the body easily accommodates with the new diet, but in the second week, the caloric restrictions will be more severe. In the third week already start to see changes, but this phase is the most difficult. The fourth week of the diet brings some relaxation, followed by a week of detoxification and finally, your body starts to acclimate to the new food habits, easier to maintain in the long run than drastic regimes.

The Key Elements that Underlie this Revolutionary Diet

“Shred” Diet was founded on the principle of metabolism “confusion”, but also includes two other key elements: the splitting of your meals throughout the day and detoxification, along with exercise. A decreased daily intake of calories for 3 weeks followed by a growth is the secret of the Shred diet. For optimal effect it is recommended 30-45 minutes of cardio, five days of each diet week.

Most diets include detoxification at first, so you can demoralize you quickly. In Shred diet, detoxification takes place in the fifth week and includes a few drinks without giving up your meals. Detoxification begins at breakfast with a cup of water with lemon and a little linseed oil. Other drinks that are recommended to drink daily are a cup of hibiscus tea and a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice.

Shred diet promises results without very unpleasant restrictions and no skipped meals. Every day, you have four meals with small portions, and three snacks throughout the day. The proper sharing of the meals and snacks throughout the day ensure the stability of glucose, which shall not result in powerful cravings, nor excessive production of hormones that encourage weight gain.