All about Massage Therapy

Massage therapy basically means the manipulation of the body muscles to achieve health benefits. In many countries it has been used even as a form of therapy, a medical practice since ancient times.

Today, this medical practice has a wide recognition and appreciation and a larger increasingly number of medical staff include this practice in their overall therapy.


Of course, there are numerous and various massage therapy types and styles, which give different results depending on the type of medical condition but in the end all compete in a better health condition of the patient.

Let’s see some examples of massage therapy.

a)     Remedial Massage – It is used to heal damaged muscles.
b)    Connective Tissue Massage – can reduce significantly the effect of arthritis.
c)     Hot Stone Therapy – soothes the tension of your muscles while offering a complete relaxation.
d)    Chinese Massage – restores the patient’s locomotor freedom and reduces the muscle pain.

In fact, all these massage forms share the many similar health benefits, such as:

Deep Relaxation

Deep Relaxation -all types of massage relax both your and body and also your mind. Actually, it is very simple. If your body is in a state of complete relaxation, then of course the mind will be relaxed. But the process can be successfully applied also vice versa. A relaxed mind will relieve any tension in your muscle system. A relaxed mind will reduce a lot your stress levels preventing in this way the occurrence of headaches and migraines. This method can also help you to improve your sleep and can lower significantly your blood pressure improving in the same time, your heart rate.

Reduce Pains

Reduce Pains – A massage therapy well conceived can help you relieve pain. This can be achieved through several methods.

  • First, you need to know that massage helps your body to produce endorphins that are in fact, natural pain relievers.
  • Massage therapy calms your nervous system. That will bring relief from pain like back and neck ache.
  • Thirdly, this kind of therapy clears all the wastes and residues trapped in your body like lactic acids. This can bring indeed a lot of relief to those suffering from fibromyalgia or arthritis.

Promotes an overall well being state

Promotes an overall well being state-massage therapy increases circulation throughout the body, strengthens your immune system increasing blood circulation increasing in this way your flexibility and locomotor capacity. But there also many other conditions that can be improved or even healed through massage therapy such as:

  • Sporting related injuries-massage is often used by many athletes to recover from an accident like a muscular injury.
  • Sleeping improvement-it is proved that massage therapy help anyone who suffer from sleep disorders.
  • Stress-a massage therapy is often seen as a redoubtable tool to reduce the levels of stress.
  • Depression and anxiety-the treatment and medications used generally to treat these serious and severe conditions have a wide range of side effects.  Massage therapy is perhaps a much better option, especially if it is combined with other alternative practices such as meditation and acupuncture.
  • Pain relieve-massage therapy is commonly sought out by anyone who suffers from arthritis, neck and back pain, arthritis, migraines, headaches and many other kinds of chronic pains.
  • Respiratory problems-massage therapy has circulatory benefits that can lead to relieve many respiratory problems.
  • Repetitive strain injury-many massages methods can help you to relieve your strain and muscular tension and so it is highly recommended for strain injury.

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Massage services are available everywhere; they are offered at healing centers, salons, spas, etc. However, keep in your mind that not every massage is the same, so if you want and need to follow a massage therapy for a specific condition you should ask for a professional advice. It is also wise to check if the professional therapist has license and has also practice experience.