Although is recently accepted by Western world, reflexology is a science practised thousands of years ago by the Egyptian, Mayan and Inca civilizations.
Modern reflexology has its origins in the late 1930s, in the person of “Dr. Eunice Ingham”, considered American promoter of modern reflexology.
In most European countries, this noninvasive treatment method is widely accepted as an effective therapy without side effects.
Although some people believe that reflexology consist only in magic movements magic that simply made to disappear any disease, good reflexologists know that everything is based only on science. If the technique is performed correctly, then the patient will benefit from the the best results of this complementary therapies.
What Is reflexology and what effects can it have on the body?
Reflexology is the stimulation science of reflex points of the foot, ear or palm of the patient, areas that correspond to specific glands, organs or body part using your fingers. Stimulation involves pushing or circular massage (for large areas such as the small intestine) of these reflex points that release tension in your body, relax and normalize all functions of the body, restoring your energy and balance.
Medical studies show that over 75% of existing diseases as tension and stress factor are specific modern lifestyle. Even in antiquity it was practised daily the barefoot walking on rocks or hard ground to stimulate circulation and to activate the reflex points.
Reflexology does not cure but can prevent and ameliorate
Reflexologists are not medically approved persons, so they are not allowed in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. However, reflexology can be an exceptional way by which you can relieve stress and encourage the natural healing process.
The “magic” movements made during reflexology sessions improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, relax the muscles, stimulate nerve connections, strengthen the immune system and help to eliminate toxins.
WARNING: Although reflexology has proven effective in relieving specific symptoms of chronic diseases, it should not be seen as a substitute for medical treatment.
However, often, medical treatment is completed by reflexotherapy. reflexotherapy. It is a safe method that can be practiced during pregnancy and before or after a surgery.
The most common conditions that can be relieved through reflexology are:
- – Restless legs syndrome or RLS;
- – Allergies; Headaches; Insomnia;
- – Back pain;
- – Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs,
- – Bronchitis, Chronic fatigue;
- – Diarrhea, Constipation;
- – Menstrual cramps;
- – Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS;
- – Stress
Reflexology is forbidden for people with thrombosis
Before reflexotherapy session, most likely, the patient will be asked about his medical history, diet, exercise program, overall health and the reflexotherapist will note the details and analyze the color and appearance of the limbs.
If it is found that the patient suffers from eczema, skin conditions or thrombosis, the activation of these areas will be prohibited because it may trigger the blood clots, which can clog blood vessels. Also, reflexology is contraindicated for people with cancer, mental illness or infectious diseases.
Although reflexology is a non-invasive therapy, the activation of certain centres in order to eliminate toxins can lead to certain side effects, such as sweating, nausea or headaches, but these symptoms are temporary and are part of the natural release process of the toxins, which are accumulated in the body over time.
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