Swiss Diet – Lose 11 lbs in 14 days

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You get on the scale and you are terrified when the numbers appear on the screen. You do not eat bread for years and yet fail to lose weight. You have tried all sorts of miracle diets, but no result. Nothing could be more wrong!

You’ve probably heard everywhere that it is the best to go to a nutritionist for a personalized diet. This is correct! This should be your first move that you have to do when you want to start fighting your weight.

However, if you cannot do this, there is a solution available to everyone “Swiss Diet” that promises extraordinary results – 11 lbs in 2 weeks. It is developed by a group of Swiss nutritionists, so you do not have to retreat from the most important principle, namely to visit the doctor. In addition, this diet may be a wonderful healthy lifestyle after you’ve realized what you wanted. It contains in fact, all major groups of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

However, this diet has a quite important drawback. You might get bored because it is a diet lacking in diversity.

This weight loss diet is characterized by the absence of carbohydrates, and is rich in protein. Very important to note is that, before you begin, you should make a complete set of tests, to see how it is your health. Swiss diet is recommended only for perfectly healthy people.

Daily Diet

Here are the foods that you can eat throughout the day:

  • – 200-300 g lean meat or fish. You can prepare boiled, steamed, baked;
  • 2 eggs. You can prepare boiled or scrambled eggs without oil;
  • – 0.5 l milk, maximum 1.5% fat;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • – 100-150 g (one slice) of bread, rye, oats or other grains. White bread is forbidden;
  • – 100 g potatoes. You can prepare boiled, baked or grilled;
  • – 50 g butter;
  • – at least 2 liters of water.

In terms of fruits and vegetables you do not have severe restrictions. You can eat in any quantity you want, the only amendment that there should not be in your menu plums, bananas, pears and grapes.

However, in terms of fruit, it is advisable that you eat them fresh, but if you get cravings for a cup of compote, you can drink it without worry. But it must be a homemade compote with no more than 50 g sugar in the composition. There are absolutely prohibited candied or dried fruits.

Depending on your program, it is advisable to set yourself a fixed time for meals: three meals and two snacks. How they will be combined depends on the taste of each food allowed. All you have to do is to respect the quantities, do not change the food, do not eat fruit at night and to have your dinner before 19.00.