A. Take Your Time.
If you want to prevent your stress during the preparation, have a “to do list”, and take it easy, be good organize and you are going to have everything under control.
B. Ease Your Anxiety.
You can ease your anxiety with apples. The scent of apples can help elevate your anxiety. Recent study show that the aroma of sweet apples boost calming beta brainwaves allowing you to do anything you want.
C. Enjoy a Relax Moment with Chocolate.
Eating chocolate can help your brain to produce natural antidepressants serotonin and dopamine. Savoring a little piece of chocolate induce a happy and relaxation sensation in only 15 minutes.
Cool Halloween Dishes (video)
D. Ease Your Stress with Liquorice.
Credit goes to the unique compounds found in liquorice, extract that help lower stress hormones.
E. M&M Can Help You.
Research shows that the proteins and the healthy fats in peanuts are very effective stabilizing your blood sugar.
F. Orange Color Can Energize You.
The orange color activates an area in your brain that is responsible for endurance.
G. Indulge a Candy Bar Caramel Apple.
Give to the classic caramel apples gourmet twist with toppings that taste like candy bars. What you have to do is to insert a stick into the end of a few apples. Then microwave 15 oz caramels and 2 tablespoon water until is melted. Coat the apples in caramels and place them to dry on a wax paper.